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Congratulations on New Year and Merry Christmas!

Dear colleagues, dear friends!

Allow on behalf of CIGRE, the International Council for Large Electrical Systems, to congratulate you on  New Year and Merry Christmas!
We wish you good health, human happiness, creative inspiration and peaceful sky above your head! Lets you always succeed in realizing the planned plans! Good mood for you, family warmth and well-being!

Вітання з Днем енергетика!

Шановні колеги!

Від усієї душі вітаємо вас з професійним святом!

Від вашої роботи залежить стійкість та надійність енергетичної системи країни в цілому! Від ваших зусиль залежить благополуччя, життєзабезпечення наших співгромодян .

Бажаємо вам в цей день нескінченної життєвої енергії, благополуччя, радості та щастя!

З повагою,

Президент Олександр Светелік

The 1st CIGRE SEERC Colloquium “Energy-climate National Strategies 2030 and Challenges for Electric Power Sector”

On October 25, 2019 the 1st CIGRE SEERC Colloquium “Energy-climate National Strategies 2030 and Challenges for Electric Power Sector” was held in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina).

The Colloquium was organized by the Chairman of the SEERC-CIGRE Klemens REICH (Austria) and the Chairman of Bosnia and Herzegovina National Committee CIGRE Edhem BICAKCIC.
The report from Ukraine “Ukrainian strategy of electric power sector development up to 2030” was presented by Vice-President and Chairman of the Ukrainian Technical Committee CIGRE Yuriy Bondarenko.
The main strategic plans for the development of energy systems were presented by countries: Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Italy, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine, Croatia.

The most important result of the Colloquium is the exchange of information on the main approaches in the development of energy, which include: development of traditional generation, renewable energy, energy market; joint projects in the development of electrical grids, introduction of the new technologies. Global energy trends are linked to climate change and the requirements of decarbonisation, decentralization and digitalization.

The working meeting of the Administrative Committee of the Council of Southeast European Countries SEERС-CIGRE was held in Tbilisi

The meeting of the Administrative Committee of the International Council of Southeast European Countries SEERC-CIGRE was held on July 8-9, 2019 in Tbilisi (Georgia). The work began with introducing of technical experts to the leadership of the Georgian State Electrosystem (GSE) and viewing presentations about the current state of the Georgian energy system today and development prospects in the future.

The SEERC meeting discussed the current and planned activities of the CIGRE committee, including the selection of experts for technical working groups from each country, the organization of a future conference, the final version of the regional questionnaire etc. The main directions of the meeting were integration of distributed and renewable energy sources, increased energy consumption and methods of balancing them. Next meeting of the Technical Committee SEERC will be held on October 23-26, 2019 in Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina) with the consideration of long-term plans for the development of regional energy systems until 2040-2050.

One of the main issues on the agenda was to introduce the rehabilitation program for high-voltage substations and works of direct current links (DC link) at the border of the Georgian and Turkish energy systems to participants of SEERC. Accordingly, it was planned to visit the substation 500/400/220 kV in the city of Akhaltsikhe. The installation of DC links is part of a large-scale project to create a Black Sea Transmission Network Project (BSTN), one of the largest infrastructure projects in Georgia.

The Administrative Committee of the International Council of Southeast European Countries SEERC-CIGRE was attended by Yuriy Bondarenko – Vice President of the Ukrainian National Committee CIGRE and Vitaliy Anikeev – an expert member of CIGRE.

Memorandum of Cooperation signed with the NEC of Ukraine of the International Electrotechnical Commission IEC

April 19, 2019, a Memorandum was signed between the Ukrainian National Committee CIGRE and the National Electrotechnical Committee of Ukraine of the International Electrotechnical Commission IEC on cooperation and collaboration in supporting new projects in the direction of standardization, certification planning, strategic development and innovation in the electricity industry of Ukraine. The purpose of the Memorandum is to promote the effective functioning of the electric power complex in the context of improving and integrating the energy sector of the national economy to European standards, introducing a new energy market, studying and providing access to innovations and modern international experience in the electric power industry through international cooperation.