Administrative Council meeting

08 грудня 2020 року відбулось засідання Адміністративної Ради CIGRE в дистанційному режимі за участю представників 52 країн. Від українського національного комітету CIGRE в роботі засідання прийняв участь віце-президент, голова технічного комітету – Юрій Бондаренко. На засіданні Адміністративної Ради були розглянуті такі питання: підготовка до Ювілейної Сесії CIGRE – 2021, яка відбудеться в м. Парижі (Франція);[…]

Memorandum of Cooperation with “EKO PRO +” LLC

January 8, 2020 was signed the Memorandum on Cooperation and Interaction between the Ukrainian National Committee of the International Council on Large Electric Systems CIGRE and Limited Liability Company “EKO PRО+”. The subject of the Memorandum is to establish partnerships and developing long-term, effective and mutually beneficial cooperation between the Parties, aimed at the development[…]

The 1st CIGRE SEERC Colloquium “Energy-climate National Strategies 2030 and Challenges for Electric Power Sector”

On October 25, 2019 the 1st CIGRE SEERC Colloquium “Energy-climate National Strategies 2030 and Challenges for Electric Power Sector” was held in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina). The Colloquium was organized by the Chairman of the SEERC-CIGRE Klemens REICH (Austria) and the Chairman of Bosnia and Herzegovina National Committee CIGRE Edhem BICAKCIC. The report from Ukraine[…]

Paris Session 2018

The CIGRE Session provides a unique opportunity to listen to contributions from international senior executives as well as experts and specialists through official presentations, panel discussions, technical meetings and poster sessions. 6 days of Conference, 5 days of Technical Exhibition, 3 floors of exhibition space, more than 242 exhibitors (from 28 countries), more than 91%[…]